The International Conference on “Micro
Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply” (MES) ( was established as
an international forum to discuss the micro perspective of the
technical, economic, social, and environmental aspects of microenergy
systems. 27th February to 1st March 2013
, Berlin, Germany
The MES conference brings together
leading academics from the social sciences, economics, natural sciences,
and engineering, as well as practitioners (e.g. project developers and
implementers, entrepreneurs).
Microenergy systems
provide solutions for single households or micro enterprises (e.g.
solar home systems, improved cooking stoves, biogas plants), as well as
technologies for several households or communities. For a long time,
they have been regarded as transitional solutions towards centralized
energy supply in developing countries, or as a negligible niche market
in developed countries. In recent years, there have been growing
expectations that decentralized energy systems will play an important
role in shifting energy policy, as well as in contributing to poverty
reduction and improved health, education, and overall quality of life.
The MES conference will explore the technical, social, and economic
factors and context conditions that can enable MES to meet these