Rajeshwar Mishra, a former faculty of social psychology of the A N Sinha Institute of Social Studies (ANSISS), Patna has been invited to attend the Project Management Group meeting of the Highland Aquatic resources conservation and sustainable development ( HighARCS) Project at the Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Ecology of South China Agriculture University, Guangzhou during August 24-28, 2011.
An international project on biodiversity, supported by the European Community, the five-year project involves several universities and research institutions from across the world.
Mishra represents a local community-based organization - Centre for the Development of Human Initiatives - based in north Bengal. He will be accompanied by two community researchers Subrata Majumdar and Dhanajoy Roy during the meet in China.
The project would make special effort toward conserving and rehabilitating the species in the red list. The project, initiated in 2009, has reached the action phase during which conservation measures would be worked out and implemented during the next two years till December 2012, said Mishra.
Mishra has done intensive research using local community knowledge. He believes that local community is capable of analysing their situation much better than the high-profile academics who use their (community) knowledge for establishing their scholarly credentials.
At the China meeting, Mishra would be carrying and sharing Integrated Action Plans as evolved through a participative process. Earlier, Mishra has worked with farmers in Andhra Pradesh on participatory groundwater monitoring and women farmers of north Bengal in technology innovations in agriculture and livelihood. Back home, he completed a study on social inclusion as part of the study for the famous Jeevika project of Government of Bihar.
source: indiatimes.com
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