SGS invites you to attend the 45-minute complimentary webinar "Where Next for Sustainability Communications?" on November 27, 2012.
The objective of this webinar is to review current trends in Sustainability Reporting and see how trends are converging, for instance, a growing number of organizations have begun to use ISO 26000 as the foundation for their sustainability strategy and reporting.
- Background of Sustainability Reporting and Communication
- An Assessment of Progress, Trends and Developments in Sustainability Communications
- An Analysis of Where Reporting and Communications Go Next and Predictions on the Future Space
This complimentary webinar is aimed at social responsibility practitioners at strategic and operational levels - especially those involved directly in sustainability reporting and communications. It will be of particular value to corporate communications professionals working in investor relations, company secretaries, corporate affairs and internal communications. It will also be of value to practitioners in ISO 26000 related areas including supply chain, HR, H&SE practitioners. Furthermore, it will be valuable to practitioners in the sustainability reporting value chain and any senior organizational professionals who wish to move forward their organization’s social responsibility position and are taking a wide-scale organizational approach to embedding social responsibility in to their organizations.
Dr. Colin Morgan, SGS Global Program Manager – Social Responsibility