Tehran University is pleased to announce for the 2nd International Conference on Solar Energy. The Solar Energy Conference will be held on August 30-31, 2015 at Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
Organized by: The University of Tehran
The depletion of fossil fuel resources on a worldwide basis has necessitated an urgent search for alternative energy sources to meet up the today demands. This is now turned to be one of the most important problems in the world, in particular, for the big powers and industrialized countries. While there is continuous need for supply of energy from conventional sources, oil and gas and coal, the subject of greenhouse gases and environmental impacts is added to the problem of load demand.
In order to satisfy both the problems of lack of conventional energy sources and their environmental impacts, solar energy being a sustainable and a clean, inexhaustible and environmental-friendly resource among all renewable energy, looks to be the best and most efficient and available.
In recent decades, generating heat and power from solar systems is a non-stop progressing process decided by almost all industrialized countries and most of the other countries. In Iran, who has one of the most available source of solar energy, investments and development of this kind of sustainable and renewable is already started by both government and private sectors. Having one of the best geographical situation to receive sun lights, 335 days per year for nearly 10 hours per day, has turned the country to be an emerging and attracting market for local and foreign investors. According to a non-official report, 1% of total area of country is enough to produce the entire demand of energy, using solar systems.
At the end, the conference wishes for a day that all the nations in the world could experience enormous advantages of solar energy as a sustainable, renewable and clean source of energy
Conference Goals:
• Introduction to latest Technologies and Achievements in Solar Energy Systems
• Presentation of Recent Papers and Researches
• Exhibition on Latest Products and Technologies
• Strengthening Academic Ties with Industries
• Holding of Technical Events and Workshops
• Development of Regulations and Standards in Solar Energy
• Solar Energy Results with Less Consumption of Fossil Fuels
• Solar Energy and Other Industries (Cement, Petrochemical, Telecommunication, etc.)
• Honoring Best Selected Papers and Researchers
• Identifying Problems and Barriers and Provide Scientific and Practical Solutions