Communication for Sustainable Development

International Conference on CSR and Sustainable Development

A popular explanation of the term CSR is the continuing commitment by businesses to behave ethically and contribute to economic development, while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. Over the last few years an increasing number of companies worldwide have started promoting their business through Corporate Social Responsibility strategies because the customers, the public and the investors expect them to act in sustainable as well as responsible manner. In some cases, CSR is a result of various social, environmental and economic pressures while in case of many large corporations, it is primarily a strategy to divert attention away from the negative social and environmental impacts. It enables the company to leverage its products, employee strength, networks and profits and up to some extent to create a sustainable change for marginalized communities.

This conference aims to provide a common platform to the corporate, government agencies, NGOs, civil society, academics and the other groups to share their expectations, aspirations and responsibilities.
Conference also has the objective to bring together representatives from various parts of the globe to share their experiences, challenges and opportunities. Research in the domain of CSR and Sustainable Business along with Climate Control, Work Life Balance, Philanthropy, social impact and other topics shall be shared in the form of Paper presentation, poster exhibition by researchers and professionals from various universities and institutions.
Third international conference with aimed at exploring emerging issues in corporate responsibility and sustainable development. Presentations and debates will highlight current thinking and how these issues are being addressed around the world nowadays.

Dubai (UAE) 04-05th May 2015, Organized By:Society for Education and Research Development, India & Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, India

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