The Foundation's global footprint gives it unique opportunities to initiate global profit-generating ventures which are strongly socially responsible, enhancing local and regional capacitation and productivity in sustainable food, health, education, construction and production sectors. Registered with the SEC, the professionally managed Fund for Natural Solutions will engage with such projects around the world, diversifying investment while supporting human scale, and humanizing, ventures.
Maj. Gen. Albert N, Stubblebine III (US Army Ret.), President of the Foundation, along with his co-trustees, Rima E. Laibow, MD, and Ralph Fucetola, JD, will join Woodlands resident Larry Deckerhoff, MIM, for several days of meetings and an invitational reception to celebrate the Fund's launch from December 8-10, 2011. Mr. Deckerhoff, who serves as Chairman of the Fund's Board of Advisers, will preside over an elite invitation-only sushi and wine event for interested persons on Friday, December 9, 2011 in The Woodlands. Because of intense interest, arrangements have been made by Mr. Deckerhoff to allow electronic participation via special restricted-access Webinar.
The creation of a purpose-driven, profit-generating Investment Fund marks a major departure from the ordinary activities of independent Non Governmental Organizations and charities which ordinarily seek donations to support their projects if, like the Natural Solutions Foundation, they are tax exempt. Sadly, donations and charitable giving are volatile income streams in complex economic climates. Upon advice of Mr. Deckerhoff and others, the Foundation decided to seek professional management to create a profitable project portfolio which supports and enhances its global mission: to Discover, Document, Develop, Demonstrate and Disseminate Natural Solutions...™ to the pressing issues which face us all involving Health & Food Freedom & Justice.
Those interested in learning more and determining whether this profit-focused, purpose driven Fund might be of interest to them are invited to visit the informative website Fund For Natural Solutions prior to joining Mr. Deckerhoff and Fund and Foundation Trustees in person for a Sushi and Wine Reception [complete with the Foundation's own exceptional Valley of the Moon™ Truly All Natural, BeyondOrganic™ Coffee, of course!] or electronically on December 9. The presentation will focus on the Fund for Natural Solutions unique "tipping point" investment strategies including:
1. A fully licensed Off-Shore Compounding Pharmacy (CP) with outstanding growth potential and impact possibilities in the natural health world
2. The Foundation's World-Class Taste Sensation: Toxin-Free Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic™ Coffee - a new, rare, high value world market product shade grown on the Foundation's Eco Demonstration Project farm in the premium coffee area of Panama.
Qualified Fund investors will not only have a chance to look the Fund opportunities over closely before investing, they'll also have the rare opportunity to spend some time "up close and personal" with Gen. Bert and Dr. Rima on one of their rare trips to the United States and taste Valley of the Moon's extraordinary coffee in a congenial Woodlands atmosphere.
Through these inaugural events, the Fund is reaching out to The Woodlands community to seek astute "responsible investing" participants eager to put their assets, whether retirement or other types, to work making a profit while making a difference: "doing good while doing well."
This is the second visit of the Trustees and Board of Advisers to the Woodlands who convened there in preparation for the Fund's inauguration, the Trustees and Board of Advisers met in the Woodlands two weeks ago. A brief video taken at the new office of the Fund, 8111 Ash Lane Suite 214, Sterling Ridge – The Woodlands, TX 77382 (281-863-9195) explains the goals of the Fund, What Is The Fund About .
Members of the Woodlands community who are eager to make a difference with the placement of their assets are invited to visit Fund For Natural Solutions, complete the questionnaire and send it to ralph.fucetola(at)usa(dot)net (Subject: "Fund") -- and are also welcome to call Counsel Ralph Fucetola at 973-300-4594 to request an invitation to the December 9th evening celebration.
For a glimpse of the Foundation's Valley of the Moon™ BeyondOrganic™ coffee farm, please visit Valley of the Moon™ Coffee. The Foundation's "Boots on the Ground", project allows it to identify and solve problems with global impact as it has done at its wonderful 40+ acre Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic Coffee finca (Spanish for "farm"). Instead of highly toxic chemicals (even used on "organic" coffee farms), the Foundation has developed methods for farmers to increase both the quantity and quality of their cash crops without any toxic chemicals, protecting the consumers, the workers and the environment while increasing profits and lowering production costs. This is what we call a "Friendly Food Certified Product™."
Now a thriving demonstration farm, Valley of the Moon™ Coffee Farm started out just 4 years ago as a derelict, abandoned coffee plantation and became a model toxin-free All Natural BeyondOrganic™ coffee source. The Strictly Hard Bean, High Altitude Premium Coffee is a world-class CLEAN coffee with an irresistible flavor tasters absolutely love. This productive teaching farm is a model of a "make a difference" project which can be scaled up enhancing the lives of workers, consumers and protecting the environment while supporting local, human scale enterprise. More information on Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic Coffee.
An offer of securities or investment is only made through the Private Placement Memorandum, which may be obtained by completing the Questionnaire at Fund For Natural Solutions.
The SEC filing information for the Form D Private Placement is: Filing No. 021-167619 / 111150148 – CIK #0001532833
While the Trustees and others involved have substantial experience in organizing agricultural and other projects, advanced health care options, developing real estate and community oriented commercial or nonprofit activities, there can be no guarantee that the project will materialize in the manner suggested in this initial informational memorandum.
Final development will depend on funding, through donations, grants, beneficial interests and loans both from private sources and financial institutions, as well as legal development requirements. Subject to changes in world financial conditions.