A total of £50m will be invested in eco-friendly transport over the next four years, the Scottish Government has announced.
Transport Minister Keith Brown said that the money will be invested in cycling networks, low-carbon transport and transferring freight from road to rail.
Mr Brown said: “The Scottish Government is committed to promoting sustainable and active travel. The Future Transport Fund provides opportunities to invest further in low-carbon transport, working with a range of delivery bodies across the country.
“One of our key priorities now is to create the conditions for change, and in Scotland at the current time that means a focus on sustainable economic growth.
“These investments will support that goal through the opportunities for Scottish businesses, as well as the wider benefits to society.”
A total of £11m has been ear-marked for 2012/13 and 2013/14 but Mr Brown confirmed the Government’s commitment to increasing that figure in future years to £18.75m in 2014/15 and £20.25m in 2015/16.
He made the announcement of the fund at Wardie Primary School in Edinburgh where he met with pupils who are currently involved with bike project which encourages children to cycle more and is one of the initiatives that will benefit from the fund.
The project is called I-bike and is run by Sustrans Scotland. The national director of the organisation, John Lauder said: “Active travel schemes deliver a real return on investment and I hope the government will continue to fund such projects.
“Funding active travel initiatives, such as those within the government’s own Cycling Action Plan for Scotland, provide the key to low-cost solutions for dealing with Scotland’s obesity crisis and meeting our ambitious carbon targets.”
The allocation of money will also draw in additional resources from local government and the UK government, as well as the private sector