On Wednesday, February 22, 2012, the Sustainable Appalachian Viticulture Institute and Jewel of the Blue Ridge Vineyard, in conjunction with Warren Wilson College in Asheville N.C., will host the 2nd Annual North Carolina Conference on Sustainable Viticulture.
Come learn how to participate in the fastest growing industry in North Carolina that provided over $1 billion economic impact in NC last year. The all-day conference will feature speakers from around the USA who will share information on how to grow grapes organically/biodynamically, which grapes are best for our steep mountain slopes and climate conditions, how to market your vineyard and winery, practical aspects of using various cover crops between rows of grapes, some of the many ways to generate value-added products from grapes including neutraceuticals, and how to make wines from organically/biodynamically grown grapes.
Come learn how to participate in the fastest growing industry in North Carolina that provided over $1 billion economic impact in NC last year. The all-day conference will feature speakers from around the USA who will share information on how to grow grapes organically/biodynamically, which grapes are best for our steep mountain slopes and climate conditions, how to market your vineyard and winery, practical aspects of using various cover crops between rows of grapes, some of the many ways to generate value-added products from grapes including neutraceuticals, and how to make wines from organically/biodynamically grown grapes.
We have lots of interesting speakers with useful information to help you grow grapes sustainably in the mountains.
Our featured speaker will be Phillip Hart, owner/winemaker of AmByth Estate in the mountains of Templeton, California. (Photo attached of Hart [left] and conference organizer Chuck Blethen [right], taken at AmByth Estate Winery in October 2011.) He will be presenting sessions on growing grapes bio-dynamically and making wines from his bio-dynamically grown grapes. Phillip was born on a sheep farm in North Wales with very steep mountains that was very difficult to farm. Phillip studied Hotel & Food Management in Hereford and Brighton, England and thus began his lifelong interest in food and wine. The English economy was in depression so his quest for employment led him to Australia and South Africa, and finally a move to California in 1978. Phillip made his first wine from grapes picked in Paso Robles as a “backyard hobby” in 1996. He married Mary Morwood in 1999. They purchased 42 acres in 2000 and 2001. They named their farm “AmByth Estate” (in Welsh AmByth means “forever”). In January, 2004, they planted their vineyard and olive orchard. The first commercial harvest was picked in 2006 and released in 2008. Phillip & Mary’s desire to live chemical-free and to farm and make wine in a completely natural way has led them to pursue organic and Biodynamic certifications since 2006.
The conference registration fee is $40 paid in advance or $50 walk-in. Registration fee includes lunch, coffee break refreshments, handouts, and free parking. Online registration is now available at http://www.JeweloftheBlueRidge.com/ - click on the link near the Warren Wilson College logo.
Jewel of the Blue Ridge Vineyard has been instrumental in organizing and conducting educational sessions for grape growers around the region. Sustainable viticulture is a new practice in the mountains of WNC. Jewel of the Blue Ridge Vineyard is a founding member of The Sustainable Appalachian Viticulture Institute (SAVI), and the French Broad Vignerons – a grape-growing & wine-making club organized in 2010. For more information about Jewel of the Blue Ridge Vineyard see www.JeweloftheBlueRidge.com or www.GrapeSAVI.org to learn more about the Sustainable Appalachian Viticulture Institute.
Warren Wilson College provides a distinctive undergraduate and graduate liberal arts education combining academics, work, and service in a learning community committed to environmental responsibility, cross-cultural understanding, and the common good. Warren Wilson College’s vision is to lead the nation toward a new model for liberal arts education through the innovation of its Triad educational program (academics, work, and service), the quality of its academic engagement, the fulfillment of its sustainability principles, the depth of its commitment to diversity, the vitality of its community, and its nurturing of individual well-being. For more information about the college see www.warren-wilson.edu
source; nctechnews.com
source; nctechnews.com