materials company, has become a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Sustainability forms a key pillar of theHelsinki, Finland based company's business activities and centers aroundenvironmental, social and economic responsibility within its global operations.
Björn Stigson, President, WBCSD said: "Ahlstrom has a long history as a company
and also in social responsibility. Corporate responsibility has been an integral
part of Ahlstrom's business and way of thinking already for 160 years. I am
delighted that they have decided to join the WBCSD."
"Ahlstrom's clear commitment to sustainable development is impressive: they take
care of integrating sustainable practices into product development from cradle
to gate, and across all aspects of their business operations. Ahlstrom brings a
valuable wealth of expertise and knowledge to our organization," Björn Stigson
Ahlstrom is a member of WBCSD's Sustainable Forest Products Industry (SFPI) work
program, which provides a platform for members to address issues associated with
sustainable forest management, wood sourcing, energy, carbon emissions and
As part of the SFPI work program, Ahlstrom will concentrate on two areas. It
will further develop its expertise to provide business leadership in expanding
sustainable forest-based solutions. Ahlstrom will also help develop policy
frameworks that are responsive to business needs. By improving UNFCCC's and
climate negotiators' understanding of the carbon benefits of forests and forest
products, those can be better reflected in relevant policy frameworks.
"Last year, 82 % of Ahlstrom's fiber raw material came from renewable sources.
Going forward, we aim to further increase our renewable and responsible
sourcing," said Anna Maija Wessman, Vice President, Sustainability, Ahlstrom
For more information, please contact:
Liisa Nyyssönen
Vice President, Communications, Ahlstrom Corporation
Email. liisa.nyyssonen@ahlstrom.com
Tel. +358 10 888 4757
Peter Paul van de Wijs, Managing Director, Communications
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Email. vandewijs@wbcsd.org
Tel. +41 22 839 3141
Ahlstrom in brief
Ahlstrom is a high performance materials company, partnering with leading
businesses around the world to help them stay ahead. Our products are used in a
large variety of everyday applications, such as filters, wallcovers, wipes,
flooring, labels and food packaging. We have a leading market position in the
businesses in which we operate. Our 5,700 employees serve customers in 26
countries on six continents. In 2010, Ahlstrom's net sales amounted to EUR 1.9
billion. The company's share is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. More
information is available atwww.ahlstrom.com