"When we purchased the Cambridge network in 2005, it was an old, inefficient system that was in desperate need of investment and upgrades. Today, it is a thriving system, efficiently delivering reliable thermal energy to world-class biotechnology customers across Cambridge," said Stewart A. Wood, president and CEO of Veolia Energy North America. "Veolia Energy is devoted to maintaining best-in-class district energy and cogeneration systems around the country, and we are pleased with the tremendous progress that we've made in the cities of Cambridge and Boston."
Upgrades made to the Cambridge system by Veolia Energy include the replacement of two old boilers that burned No. 6 heavy oil, devoid of add-on emission controls. Today, the system utilizes state-of-the-art boilers fired by natural gas as the primary fuel, and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) as a secondary fuel. The plant also utilizes ultra low nitrogen oxide burners, and is equipped with super heaters and economizers to optimize fuel efficiency and minimize emissions. Another major environmental benefit is the utilization of efficient, cogenerated steam from Mirant's Kendall Station, which would otherwise be forced to discharge waste heat to the environment. Over the past five years, cogenerated steam, clean fuels, combustion controls, and advanced burner technology have combined to deliver clean energy to customers in Cambridge and Boston.
"We applaud Veolia Energy for all of the improvements it has put into the Cambridge system, maintaining stringent emissions controls and efficiently delivering steam to Cambridge's institutions," said Cambridge Mayor David P. Maher. "As a result of district energy's positive environmental attributes, we have included customer utilization of the system in the eligibility criteria for the Cambridge Climate Leader Program, which brings together community partners to reduce greenhouse gases."
In addition to the Cambridge system, Veolia Energy acquired the Boston steam distribution system in December 2007. Approximately 50 percent of the steam consumed by Veolia Energy's Boston customers is environmentally-responsible, cogenerated steam from Cambridge. Combined, Veolia Energy has invested nearly $30 million into the Cambridge and Boston systems, which consist of 22 miles of steam distribution pipes and 1.8 million pounds per hour of steam production capacity. Veolia Energy has more than 200 employees in the Cambridge and Boston area, and more than 240 customers for heating, process use and cooling. Veolia Energy also operates and maintains the Medical Area Total Energy Plant (MATEP) in the Longwood Medical Area, which serves six world-class, Harvard Medical School-affiliated medical institutions. Veolia Energy's U.S. headquarters is located in Boston, MA.
Around the world, Veolia Energy operates 819 district energy networks, and more than 2,400 MW of alternative and renewable energy facilities. As a result of Veolia Energy's efforts to optimize energy and utilize renewable resources across the globe, the company reduced worldwide greenhouse gas emissions in 2009 by 6.6 million tons.
About Veolia Energy North America
Based in Boston, Mass., Veolia Energy North America is a leading operator and developer of sustainable energy systems. The company is part of the Veolia Environnement companies in North America, with more than 28,000 North American employees providing sustainable environmental solutions in water management, waste services, energy management, and passenger transportation.
Veolia Energy's parent company, Veolia Environnement , is the global standard for environmental services. With approximately 313,000 employees in 74 countries, Veolia Environnement recorded annual revenues of nearly $50 billion in 2009. Visit the company's Web sites at www.veolianorthamerica.com and www.veoliaenergyna.com.
SOURCE: Veolia Energy North America